Not a whole lot has happened recently... Although school is getting much much harder and I am starting to understand the term "Early College High School". This school is nothing like Bingham. The teachers actually care about your well-being and will check up with you if you aren't doing so well. They also notice when you turn in late work... Itineris is definitely a good thing for me, but I'm starting to wonder if i'm actually able to keep up with the work load. It just keeps coming. I feel like i'm digging myself into a deep deep hole... HEELLLPPP!!!
In other news... I'm going to Brighton's MORP (prom backwards=girls choice) Halloween dance with some kids from Itineris. Tori's going with Moroni and Lindy is going with some guy who's 19 and leaving on his mission next month... haha Darcy (not an Itinerisian) is coming too with some other 19 year old dude. Who am I going with, you ask? Well at first I asked Nate, but apparently he's some ladies man and is already going to Riverton's Halloween dance (conveniently placed on the same date) . In other words, rejection. So Tori and Lindy got together and decided it would be brilliant to ask Tanner to be my date. So they did. WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!! So now i'm apparently going with Tanner. Awwwkkwwwaarrrddd.... Oh well, it should be fun:) We're dressing up as couples through the decades and Tanner and I were assigned 20s. So i'm borrowing Kayla and Greg's Fascinating Rhythm costumes:)))) Super excited for that!
Besides that I can't think of anything else to update on... I'll upload some recent pictures of mine.