- Morp - Soooo much fun!! Tori and I really got to know Tanner and Moroni here:) Day started with the ACT, then we roamed around The District, then got ready, ate dinner, and danced:) All followed by a trippy glowstick fight ^.^
- Performing Season - My best yet. But it was also my last. Sad, huh? I just feel like I don't have any friends in my group anymore. Everyone has their own drama-filled cliques that i either don't want to be a part of or won't be accepted in to. I will still continue on with Harmony High [an A Cappella group] and voice lessons, but Clayton just won't be the same anymore. This also means no Chicago.
- Mom's work - One of the more exciting things in the past months:) She's started working for Jet Blue [from home]. She gets all the flight benefits! Earlier she was telling me about a lady she trained with who takes her daughter to new york to do her back to school shopping. OH EM GEE MOM SAID WE SHOULD DO IT ^.^
- Boooooyyyssss... - So.... In my last post I'm pretty sure I was dating Shawn [squashmore] but that ended quickly. There was a big difference not just in age but in maturity and such. So I was back on the market. But not for long;) Tanner always caught my eye. No seriously. Within the first week of school I was telling Tori that I was pretty sure he was my Itineris crush. [Then, whatdoyouknow she asks him to morp for me {refer to earlier post}] Then the Itineris "Fall Social" rolls along and it was kinda just Tori, Tanner, and myself chillin around the school. We had our "first move" I guess you could call it here:) We were fighting over silly string canisters.... Later that night we went to Corey's house for a movie and we end up fighting over a laser pointer... :D Afterwards Tori was like "You guys were holding hands for like ten whole minutes!" Long story short, the following weekend Tanner asked me to Hillcrest's musical "Cinderella" [saw ben there. heh loser.] and he finally made the first real move. We've been together since:)
- Christmas - Ahh it came too fast! I don't think I was in the right mindset for it this year. We didn't do a whole lot of decorating, and oh, HUGE THING. There. Was. No. Snow. I KNOW RIGHT?? We live in Utah for goodness' sakes! The weather made up for it though and snowed a ton this week. This year my big present was a laptop. I'm addicted. There's not even that much to do on the interwebsss! And for Tanner... I made a bracelet out of guitar strings and made a mix CD for him:) He got me "warm vanilla sugar" lotion and matching body wash along with fuzzy gloves. He said "in case your hands get cold;)". Haha I give him credit for trying.
- Last, but not least, New Year's - HOLY. CRAP. It hit me last night that I have one more year of school, then i'm out on my own in this world. I am in no way ready. Trevor leaves on his mission sometime this year too. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm gonna miss him. Ok, enough depressing stuff, let's get on to parties:) Yesterday - well I guess now it's Thursday/Friday, Tori had a pre-new year's party. It was fun:) Justin, Olivia, [eventually] Tanner, and I were the only ones who could make it. A lot of people were not allowed to drive in the snow. We played games and watched She's the Man:) Tanner gave an awesome good-night kiss, then I slept over. And at like two in the morning we watched 17 Again. Not my favorite. haha. Continuing on that day, I headed over to Annie's where Annie [duh], Catherine and I adventured over to Village Inn:) We had a lot of laughs and giggles:) At some point, I made the comment "Oh hey, Tanner lives right over here!" [we were in The District] Catherine stares at me. Whhhaaatt?? She's like. Get him over here now!! I need to judge him! Grudgingly, I text him totally expecting him to say no, but low and behold, fate was on my side. "Omw. 5 minutes." I kinda had a heart attack. But I was cool by the time he got there, so no worries;) He made an awesome impression, btw. They gave him a nine out of ten. Heeey.... He got a nine. This is my ninth post! Ahhh irony:) So we did the whole count down thing sitting in a booth at Village Inn but I didn't get to kiss him at midnight if that's what you're wondering. Although, Annie and Cath did try to let us;) But being the awkward and embarrassing friends they are, they tried to sneak over and watch us kiss. Didn't work. Haha he had to leave after that so I walked him to his car and got the most fabulous kiss.... [heart] But as I turn to walk back in, I see to heads staring out the closest window. Que facepalm. Haha oh well:) The rest of the night was filled with boy talk, cookies, and of course, lots of laughter. I love my friends:)
365 Days.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day 8

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day SEPT! (that's seven in french:D)
Ha ha. No, My math teacher gave us extra time to work on our homework, which I have already accomplished, so here I am. Writing in this blog.
Wow I have no life.
Anyways... So my Itindure for today has been a fun one:) I just got back from Jamba Juice! Nate, Moroni, Tori and I had 45 minutes or so after our Biotech lab today and Tori had never had a Jamba Juice before [I know, madness right??], so off we went.
Moroni found the chalk that I stash in my trunk and left a nice chalk drawing in the parking lot. It was an outline of his body, [you know like from CSI or whatever those weird shows are?] with MORONI written around it.
So I'm pretty sure this blog has gone from a goal to get 365 posts in the next 365 days to a blog full of my random musings [that make no sense]. Don't get me wrong, I'll still try to get the posts, but I highly doubt I'll be able to accomplish it....
Bored as always.
Today I'm thankful for: {Friends and Jamba!}
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 6 [Seriously?? Only 6??]
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Day 5
- Blisters and cuts on my feet
- Blisters and cuts on my face
- 2nd degree sunburns on my face, shoulders, and ears
- Funky tan lines
- Used an inhaler for the first time in my life
- An awesome set of new friends
- Stronger muscles
- A new found confidence in my strength
- A better outlook on life
- And a sense of a renewed spirit
Trek was an awesome experience and I am so happy I went. My family was absolutely AMAZING. I honestly think we were the best family there. Other families had internal feuds and cliques from outside of the stake. My family was DEFINITELY not like that. We all got along so well. Within hours of meeting each other, we were all quoting Nacho Libre. That right there is a true sign of friendship:) Plus, I made a better relationship with Connor, my neighbor.:)
Not much more has happened in the life of Calli...
Although, recently I have crossed the following off my summer to-do list: Play hide-and-seek in Walmart, and frolic through a field.
Ooh! And I made scrumptious looking cupcakes today:) [I never actually ate one though...] I'm too lazy to go get the memory card the pictures of them are on though... Maybe in another post:)
Today I'm thankful for: {Hot showers!}
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 4
Friday, July 23, 2010
Day 3
Well, I'll start with what happened yesterday then.
First off, I got home around 10:30 am from the sleepover the night before [that was fun:D]. Normally, I would just go straight back to bed, but I had to drive myself home this time [that doesn't normally happen] so I was quite awake. So I flipped on the tellie and, what do you know, there was a marathon of House. I've decided that....
I've also decided that I have a thing for medical dramas. Take for example, Grey's Anatomy. Guess who followed this show for every episode for two seasons until her dance changed to Thursdays, which was the day it showed? That's right me. The rest of my family has this weird obsession with police/presidential dramas. Like, 24, Police Women of Maricopa County, West wing, CSI [sometimes]. Oh well. Way to be different, I guess. :)
So I watched a couple episodes of that [then recorded the rest of the marathon], but then called my dear friend Maddie over to hang out. Just after I hung up, I had a spark of genius! Photo shoot with her! I have already given my other dear friend a photo shoot, but that was part of my birthday present to her. That was so much fun! So right then and there, I decided I'm going to try to get photo shoots with all of my friends:)
But you know what really bothers me? When beautiful girls don't feel that they aren't in the slightest bit pretty. That's the experience I had with Maddie. When I was taking the pictures, she seemed like she knew exactly what she was doing and how truly radiant she looked. But as I was going back through all of the pictures, she commented on every single one saying, "Look how fat my legs are." "Look at my gross arms." "Look at my fat neck." All of which, bytheway, were not true!!
Take for example this picture. She looks gorgeous. Do know what she said about this? Look at my fat, fat arms. It's so sad when girls can't accept how truly beautiful they are.
"Our deepest fear is that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking that so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God which is in us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
That is my absolutely favorite quote.
I just don't understand why everyone can't understand this. Sure, we all go through moments of doubt, but that is why God placed friends and family around us. To lift us when we're not strong. I feel that once a woman feels truly confident in herself, that is when she performs to her best ability.
I got to cross two more things off my summer list today!! I made delicious root beer popsicles, and then made a fort out of blankets in my basement. Walking down memory lane with childhood friends is so much fun:)
Actually, what I did before that was see Despicable Me with my friends Camille, Abi, Kelli, and her little sister Lisa. It was soooo cute!! I'd recommend it to any family for FHE. ;) Ha ha.
Oh, did I mention I'm teaching myself to play the guitar? Ha ha yeah I started that yesterday. And can I say OW?? I have soft piano-playing hands. They are now bruised, but still soft. Anyways, I now have Ode to Joy and the simple version of Smoke on the Water memorized, and I figured out how to pluck out Iron Man. I feel very accomplished. :)
All in all, this past week has given me lots of time to think. This summer alone has allowed me to grow so much mentally... It has made me worry for the future as well.
It honestly boggles my mind to think that my older brother will be leaving this decemeber and won't come back for another two years. It also blows my mind that I will be graduating school in a two short years.
I guess to sum it up, I've started to make every moment last a little bit longer, make every hug a little bit tighter, and make every laugh a little bit longer.
Okay, enough of the deep thoughts... Ha ha:)
Today I'm thankful for: {the little moments that seem to last forever}